Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Some good deals.

We've been out all day today -- Garage sale-ing it up in Zeeland.  Some people don't know how to price things.  I'm not going to pay $7 for your Gap Outlet baby dress.  I would hardly pay $7 for it at the Gap Outlet.  There were some great deals though.  Robeez for 50¢ - They're slightly worn, but they'll be great play shoes!  Denim overalls with little yellow flowers on them for 25¢.  An adorable lemonade stand for $10.  We're letting Auntie Kiz borrow that one for a few years first.  Plus, we found a Guatemalan dress for Tillie.  They'll match as Dutch girls and as Mayan.  We thought that was only appropriate, especially for $2.  (And, it's purple.  It's a color Kizie has never had.  I think she's had 4.)  Plus, a variety of other clothes for this summer and next fall.  I think she's set.  I just need a pair of "dressy" sandals for this summer.

I did wear Tillie in the Everywear and it took her a while to fall asleep.  I think there was just too much to look at.  But, I wore her for over an hour and it wasn't uncomfortable at all.  Yay for carrying babies!  We took the stroller along too, the basket was great for carrying all our bargains.  After she took her nap she wanted back in the stroller.

Want to see Tillie's first injury?  She split part of her lip while crawling and slipped on her blanket.  This picture is from Sunday. 

She did it again yesterday -- the second time she managed to get a black and blue mark on her gum.  Yeah... Aunt Betsy, we're going to have to have you take a look at her tooth during the party on Saturday.  She kind of looks like a hillbilly with a brown toothed smile.  I'll try to take a picture of that tomorrow.  I miss my sweet girl's perfect smile.


Cara said...

When my friend and I went garage sale-ing a few weeks ago, we found some sales with ridiculous prices too. One person had very obviously bought out clearnace items at Carters and then priced them near full price (why else would you own the same shirt in every size and color all all have tags on them?) Then we went to another one where nothing was priced, and my friend got a play "gym" (the hanging toys over a mat) that is nearly new ($40 brand new) for $3! I just don't get it!

Unknown said...

Garage sales are the BEST! You can find so many things at them if you know how to look through things for the better quality ones.

Jim Gort said...

Who paid for the lemonade stand Aunt Kizie is "borrowing"?

Amber said...

Mom wouldn't let me pay for it! I tried!

Amber said...

Jess -- I've tried commenting on your blog, but a window/box doesn't open to comment in.