Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Interview with Tillie, age 4
What's Daddy's name? Tim

What does Daddy do for fun? Gets toys out.

What does Daddy do at work? Feeds animals.

My Daddy likes to wear:  Shirt and pants and jeans and shoes.  He likes shoes, too.

My Daddy is smart because he knows:  He's strong and, there's one more thing I'm gonna say: He likes getting flashlights.  Can we sleep in a tent?

It makes my Daddy happy when: Giving hugs.  And tents.

What is Daddy's favorite thing to eat? Daddy likes spaghetti, too.

What does he like to drink? Beer and coffee. AND coffee!

How old is Daddy? I don't know. 14!

How tall is Daddy? This high. [stretches her arm up as high as she can reach.]

What is Daddy's hair like? Brown.  His beard is dark brown.  He didn't shave it off. [He did...]

How much does he weigh? Just a little.

What makes Daddy the best? Reading books with Tillie.

If he could go on a trip, my Daddy would go to: Camp.

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Work in his shop in our back of the back yard.


Laura Ingalls wannabe said...

"He's strong and, there's one more thing I'm gonna say: He likes getting flashlights. Can we sleep in a tent?"

I'm rolling!

Amber said...

That was my favorite too! I couldn't wait for Tim to read it.