Monday, February 25, 2013

Spring Fever

I've got a little girl in my house who can't wait for spring. "Mom, I think the snow is melting!"  "Is it almost spring yet?" "I just want to play outside with my outside toys!" "Mom, can Dad build my new jumpy thing yet?"  Part of this is probably fueled by that last one.  She got a mini/big toddler trampoline thing for Christmas that she's been dying to try out.  The box taunts her in the garage.

This morning the sun is shining brightly through my windows and I'm starting to catch spring fever too.  I haven't renewed our Garden's membership and didn't feel like driving out there today anyway.  Instead I pulled out her 4t spring clothes bucket to see what she still might need.  She was more than happy to try a few things on.  (They all have "pull sleeves!"  Her word for short sleeves, cause she pulls up the sleeves of all her long-sleeve shirts.)

Well, she has a little growing to do.  She also has a collection of size 4/5 crewcuts tees to be envied.

She's been waiting to wear this heart "puff-ball" shirt since I bought it during an employee sale two summers ago.  Yes, I'm that crazy.  But I knew my girl would love this shirt.  And, I couldn't resist it at $5, even though that's more than I usually spend on her t-shirts.  (Random: The most expensive shirts my kids wear at Camp are the $10 staff kid t-shirts.  I know.)

I love these chino shorts, but I think we might need to save them for the following summer.  This is with the adjustable waist pulled in quite a bit.

I discovered she needs a couple pairs of summer pajamas and maybe a pair of shorts or two. And um, absolutely no more dresses in size 4.  In fact, I should probably sell a few since there are a number of 3ts from last summer that will fit as well.  Last summer they were all she wanted to wear though.  Hmm...

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