Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Reenactment of Sorts

A few weeks ago I started letting Tillie have a blanket with her during naps.  She loves her blankets, and I could easily check on her.  Plus, she's crawling and climbing all over.  I felt confident that she would be fine with one in her crib.

Overnight was another story.  That still scared me a little, so she got a little 7"x7" blankie overnight.  She seemed fine with that and all was good.

About a week or two ago, when I got Tillie up in the morning she had her big blanket in bed with her.  Of course, I accused Tim of leaving it in there with her.  He said he was pretty sure he didn't let her have it.  But I told him, "You put her to bed.  How else would it have got in there?"

Enter one sneaky little baby.

The next morning when I went to get her, I saw her doing that.  We would put the blanket on a basket of clean blankets and sleepsack and other random baby items.  I never thought she would sneak her little arm in there and pull it through.

She got even smarter though.  Now when I check on her before I go to bed, she's pulled the blanket through to her already - no more waiting for morning.  She's happily sleeping and cuddling with it.

In the morning when I go to get her I'm greeted with this little view --

She's ready to go for the day -- with her blanket.

p.s. I did apologize to Tim for accusing him.  He was glad it was Tillie stealing the blanket because he was sure he didn't leave it with her!


Debi said...

Smart baby girl!

Cara said...

That's too funny!