Sunday, May 3, 2009

38 weeks

I'm on PTO until the baby is born (or unpaid leave if LuLu makes a late appearance). Now that I'm not working, I'm okay with a little wait -- it will be nice to have some free time. I think I might plant some flowers tomorrow and make a stop at Babies R Us.

I know. It's a hard life. (Actually, sitting on the ground to plant the flowers might be kind of hard...)

38 weeks

38 weeks

We hung up the closet curtain and a picture frame today. I also put together the bouncy seat! Since we've been in a "house finishing" mode, we also hung up two picture frames in our bedroom. Yes, it's been a year and a half or so, but there are finally things on the walls!

Oh, in related news -- we'll let you know if we've had the baby. If I haven't been online in a while or you haven't heard from me -- it's probably because I'm out enjoying my last child free moments. I think there might be WiFi at the hospital. Also, I have your phone numbers and e-mail addresses. You'll know.

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