Saturday, October 25, 2008

Auntie Kiz takes Chicago

My mom, Kizie and I went to Chicago this past Thursday and Friday. We had a delightful time and got to see Robin, Colin and Hope!

We stopped at an Antique Mall in Michigan City. Oddly, Kizie loves antique stores as much and my mom and I do. This is a very early merry-go-round.

Antique Mall

I was ridiculously jealous of Kizie's outfit that day. The cheetah print Italian made calf-hair ballet flats are to be envied.

Michigan City

Kizie was a baby hog. Whenever someone else would get Colin, she would steal him back!

Kizie and Colin

Again, the Kiz fits right in. Chicago shopping suits her. One of those crewcuts bags holds a cashmere sweater. Yes, cashmere. It's just too bad she's nothing like me...

J. Crew

Kizie just had to take a picture of me and mom at Benefit. Hence the 'mom is still talking' picture. We both have on our new BadGalPlum mascara!


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