Monday, January 28, 2013

Tillie's "New" Big Girl Room

Yeah, yeah.  I know.  This post is beyond ridiculously over due.  However, that's because we litterally just finished hanging everything on the walls last week.  Then I waited until I could borrow my brother's camera so I could pretend to take fancy pictures that are really just a nice camera on auto. Anyway.  I adore her room and she's pretty fond of it herself.

Her red bed is exactly as I envisioned it.

It's a girly, sweet room that will be easy to change as she grows older.

I have to show you one of my favorite features.  See those three little drawers on her dresser?  They're perfect for clippie storage.

I have more pictures on facebook, and I've made the album public for now so anyone can see them.

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