Up the road a few miles there is a park with a splash pad. I wanted to take her to it early in the season because many schools are still in session and we leave for camp soon. When I saw today's high of 90* forecast, I knew today was the day.
As soon as Tillie got out of the car she signed and yelled, "Wawa!" and started running over to it. She was so happy to walk around watch the other kids and try to fill her watering can.
For about 5 minutes, she thought the park was awesome.
About 40 seconds after this picture was taken, a 4 year old boy used the "spray
guns" and sprayed her in the face until I plucked her up and rescued her. He didn't apologize and no parent reprimanded him. Lovely.
Tillie spent the rest of the time on the bench. I couldn't convince her to go in the water again unless I was holding her, and even then she still didn't want to get wet.
Another random side note - Hats.
Am I totally weird that I make her wear a hat when she's playing in the sun? When we go to the beach, parks, walks she's nearly the only child in a hat, save newborns. It's baffling to me with how much sun burn safety is pushed nowadays. I'm so thankful that the other Camp moms make their kids wear hats. I never have any problem convincing Tillie to wear a hat at Camp. On Saturday when we got there she took one look at the other kids and asked for her hat, before she was even out of the car.
We make Cadence wear hats, otherwise we have to slather her blonde head with sunscreen. She's too fair to go without one or the other :)
All 3 of my kids wear hats and sunglasses and sunblock every time they go out to play whether we are near water or not. My kids are 6/4/2 and they never complain because they have always had to wear one.
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