Tuesday, July 6, 2010

50 in 10.

On one of my message boards a group decided to have a book reading challenge - read 50 books in 2010.  I didn't think it would be too hard for me, but I haven't kept track of all the books I've read since I had to for prizes in 8th grade.

We're just over halfway through the year and I've read 33 books.  Click here if you'd like to see what I've read.  I think I might up my goal to 70 to actually push myself a bit.

One little catch for some people is that they have to be first time reads.  I'm typically not a "re-reader" so this isn't hard for me at all.

If you have any great suggestions for me, let me know!  I'm always looking for books to add to my library holds.


Cara said...

Mennonite in a Little Black Dress (Rhoda Janzen) was decent (It's a memoir)...although I must say I didn't finish it because I ran out of time and it had to go back to the library (it's new and on the GRPL summer reading list so it's in demand...no renewals).

And at Barnes and Noble yesterday I saw another book by the lady who wrote The Time Traveler's Wife. If you liked that book, you could look up the title. I can't remember what it was. Something with Fearful in the title.

Unknown said...

What an excellent idea! I've always loved reading. A great book that I just finished was "The Year of Fog" by Michelle Richmond. As a mother, I'm sure it will hit you hard. It was such a touching novel.

Becky - stampin' and sewin' in the tulip city said...

I just read The Help and loved it. I think I read it in 3 days. I looked over some of the other books you read and you might like Tracie Peterson's books.

KBush said...

Oh, I have about a million books. But, a few that I've read recently:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson (similar to The Lovely Bones, but different)
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan
Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay (or something like that - that's not exactly right.)
Anything Gary Schmidt that you haven't already read, but especially The Wednesday Wars.

Let me know if you need more!