So, we don't really "do" Santa at our house, but if a free Santa picture lands in front of me, I'm going to do it. (I paid for a picture when Tillie was 7 months old. Then I realized how crazy expensive it is and I'm not willing to pay it. That was the last time Tillie "saw Santa".) When we were in Holland for the Sinterklaas Parade(I know, more Santa for a family who doesn't do it...) Home & Company had a Santa with no line. Tillie said no until I told her that Santa would give her a candy cane. Ted was only won over by the actual receiving of a candy cane. Notice that he's still sitting as far away from him as he can and looking in the opposite direction. He did say thank you for the candy after I was safely holding him.
Tillie even got to shake Rudolph's collar. He was up on the roof, you know.
And here's a crappy picture of Sinterklaas. He rides a huge horse.
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